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Quarantined in Chaos (Nova Nocte) Page 8
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Page 8
“I may have to agree to that.” I loosened my grip. “The girl, did she have to die for this to work?”
The joy in his face dulled and he set his jaw; he looked away.
“Yes. Cal said it might be the only way; the longer you were disconnected, the less likely you would ever come back.”
“He’s sure, though? It couldn’t just be more blood; it had to be all of it?”
He let go of me and took a tiny step back before shoving his hand in his pockets.
“Cal said even if it was all, it might not work. And if it didn’t...” I waited for him to continue. “...if it didn’t, he was going to fly ahead to talk to Reggie.”
He looked up and flitted around the room, pacing and gesturing as his words became a torrent.
“Reggie would’ve killed you; I couldn’t let that happen. And then that girl arrived and it was like a sign to try it. And Cal tried to tell me to ‘keep in mind it may not be successful’ and ‘it may be for the best to let her go’. He was ready to give up on you and he told me that even if this worked, you’ve already been in that state so long, you could fall back into it if you suffered a trauma and he just kept saying things like that, so I told him we would do it.”
The blur of energy came to a halt so sudden my eyes wobbled.
“Daemon, it’s okay. I know you wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t have to; I just, well, I wish it didn’t have to go that way. And I’m sure Cal didn’t give up on me.”
The furious pacing resumed.
“But he did! He kept telling me not to give up on life if you couldn’t be rescued from this and that he’d lost someone to it himself in his youth...”
“He lost his daughter.”
He stumbled and fell to the floor.
“What? How do you know that?”
I offered Daemon my hand to steady him.
“Because whenever you weren’t around he sat and talked to me. Cal was constantly telling me to push on and never give up. He told me about losing her and how it drove him to nearly end it. He talked for hours -- or days, I’m not really sure of time -- about you and how much he didn’t want you to suffer that pain.”
We sat together on the bed and looked at the scuffed carpet.
“I guess I owe him an apology.”
“And I think I should go bury the girl who just gave me her life; it’s only right. I wish I knew her name at least.”
“Sorry, I had to though. You know that right?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“I know. I think killing people, innocent or not, might be something we have to get used to in the future. I don’t think we have to feel good about it; we just have to be able to do it.”
A light rapping at the door brought the Roman to join our pity party.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you; I heard both of you talking and wished to see if things worked out properly.”
Cal looked as if he hadn’t slept in eons, his hair was unkempt and his wrinkles seemed deeper somehow.
“I’m better, Cal. Thanks for the encouragement and ...” I pointed out the doorway. “...the second chance at being turned. I’m sorry for what it meant.”
He patted Daemon and sat between us.
“Well worth it in my opinion. But there is one matter to deal with: the girl.”
“I’m going to bury her now. I owe her that much.”
“And you feel up to it? Completely yourself again, Squirrel?”
I stood and stretched.
Odd, I almost feel taller.
“Not exactly myself.” Both vampires gained panicked expressions. “Now I’m me as a vampire. I feel stronger and bendy, and even a little taller. Same me inside though. I know inside me pretty good now.”
“Well. You know inside you pretty well.” Cal straightened his hair. “Grammar still matters, you know.”
I let a smile play across my face and ignored the distant strings pulling in the back of my head. We allowed ourselves a few minutes of laughter before I dug the shallow grave for the young woman who was killed to save me. I said a quiet prayer over the fresh earth and asked for her forgiveness. I thought of the life she must’ve been living and wondered if death had been a blessing.
Is anyone searching for her; missing her? Does she have family or friends or a lover? Was she all alone in this mess full of Dead and deadly? Dear God, please let me never find out. Let her be at peace and forgive us our choices; we do the best we can. Amen.
We celebrated Christmas Eve by jogging to meet up with our companions. Daemon carried a sleeping Bubba like a drunken bride while Cal and I carried all of the gear. We roused him from his glamour-induced slumber once we saw their camp. Careful to announce ourselves before entering the bright yellow golf ball and fireworks store, we found Reggie and Chase digging up the gas pumps from the Circle K next door. Sunny and Nurse sat petting the German Shepard on the curb while Vincent and Hannah tried to fix a military cargo truck by flashlight.
Sindbad ran to sniff us and returned to his master’s side just as quickly. Vincent dropped the socket wrench and hurried to see his boyfriend. Bubba met him halfway and they took their reunion to the curb.
“We was gettin to think we might not see y’all agin. We lost Katie and Marley, and Squirrel thar is barely gettin better from the trauma of it all. She’s been ill awhile and the vamps been having to tend to her. It’s so good to be back with y’all again.”
The Nurse popped up on hearing I’d been unwell and offered his services.
“No thanks, I’m doing better, just...”
Reggie glared at me, Cal, and Daemon in turn.
“...just she’s a vampire now. What happened, did you two suddenly discover a helluva lot more humans to get your meals from on this trip or did you both just lose your freaking minds?”
Hannah backed away, almost tripping on the tool set. All eyes locked on me.
“Thank you Reggie, for blurting out that information without any chance to ease the community into the change. You always had the subtlety of a flogged bull on fire.”
“Look, I was injured during the assault and the only way to save me was to turn me. There wasn’t time to debate the options; Daemon chose to act. I’m the same person; I just don’t need any of the food rations now.”
“But you will need blood.” Sunny walked over to her husband. She looked through me like I was a ghost. “Blood that we are in short supply of until the boundary is reached. I’m glad you’re alive, but this is another problem for us to solve. We either need more: healthy, adult, non-pregnant people or we need fewer vampires. And we have to figure it out soon. Welcome back.”
They went in to the shop and left us four Undead outside.
Daemon put his arm around my shoulder.
“Lovely homecoming. So happy no one lost their cool or reacted badly to the news.”
I giggled in spite of myself.
Sometimes the wrong thing is exactly what you need to hear.
“Squirrel, please do not encourage your young sire; he’s a moron.”
Cal took Reggie aside for an intense discussion about the laws of our kind, blood rations, possible human revolt against us, and so on. Daemon and I eavesdropped for a few minutes before shrugging them off.
“So, I seem to be the line between happy travels and fatal uprising. And in less than five minutes of being reunited, too. Damned I’m good.”
I sat down on a step stool and pulled out some paper and a blue ballpoint.
“So, Daemon, oh sire of mine, think we should figure the logistics of donation and such before they get their thongs twisted?”
He floated onto the counter and pulled his hair up.
“I’m in. Where should we start?”
“I’d say with teaching me to fly, but instead let’s go with the feeding issue.”
Daemon picked up a fluorescent yellow golf ball and slid out of his leather jacket. He grabbed two more neon Titleist
’s and started to juggle.
“Well, biggest issue is the lack of able donors; that and you don’t know how to stop feeding yet because you haven’t drank directly from anyone other than... well you haven’t got any control yet.”
Poor Marley Guy. But he does have a point. I can still taste him...
“Okay, so we need to either gain some people or figure out how to stretch the access we have to blood.”
“Only people we’ve seen lately have been trying to kill us, so sounds like we’re stretching. Reggie can keep flying ahead again and get his fill that way; one full drain lasts him four or five days. That’d help some.”
I scribbled notes and tapped my pen on my temple.
“How about control? I don’t want to...” I breathed deeply. “...I don’t want to hurt anyone. These are our people.”
Daemon’s balls dropped in an avalanche of color. He shrugged.
“Cal and I will have to sit in when you feed; keep you from getting carried away. Next issue?”
“Does camp morale count? Sunny looked like she was ready to gut me like a fish ready for grilling.”
A commotion outside caught perked my ears to attention.
“Dammit, Reggie, you can’t leave!”
We hustled out the door. Outside Cal was holding his old friend by the bicep and whispering in his ear. Our human companions pretended not to be paying attention as they cooked, cleaned, and sat guard.
“Everything is fine guys; we worked out feeding and it should hold us until we can either find more people or get to Canada.”
Reggie turned up his nose and jutted out his jaw.
“Oh really; let me guess, Cal and I fly ahead to clear a path and feed however much we can on anyone we come across while you two try to control your portion sizes and drink from those assembled here? Am I close?”
Oops. Okay not a brilliant plan. Is it warm in here?
“Well, yeah mostly.” I started pulling bullshit out from my college and sales days. “Except that we rotate who flies ahead each time and bring back anyone who can stay with the group. The ones who can’t join us, well, yeah them we drain dry and that vamp fasts until they need to feed again.”
Please buy it. Breathe normal, don’t act odd. Breathe and maintain calm body language. Buy it...
“Hmmm. Caelinus, perhaps your little friends are not as foolish as they seem.”
He relaxed and popped his back. Cal released his arm.
“So it would appear. Reggie, see this through; you still owe me for that trouble you had with Castro.”
“You said you wouldn’t bring that up again!”
The Roman rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb.
“And I won’t. After we get free of this mess. Agreed?”
“Agreed. We will try their way. But I will sleep away from your companions; I do not desire a sudden suntan being thrust upon me should things work out poorly.”
The pair hugged and patted each other’s backs.
Daemon mumbled ‘Get a room.’ and they backed up.
Guys. Even when they’re immortal, they have to be macho sometimes. Weird.
Our Undead quartet spent another quarter hour fine-tuning how to present our new norms to the rest of our small community. When we called the town hall around the low fire, the revised Pact and travel plan was agreed to but received coolly. Our mortal counterparts shared a meager Christmas dinner while I watched and pondered that fact that I’d been one of them only a few days ago. Now I tried not to stare at their throats to noticeably.
Daemon and I spent the rest of the evening digging up the fuel tank for the gas station; we were determined not to finish this journey on foot. Sindbad sat watch with his master, barking occasionally to rouse us against the quieter Dead.
“Some Boxing Day, it’s hardly cool, mighty dry, and those two apes managed to burn up the petrol station with most of the supplies.”
Lorcan marched along the highway ranting indignation about being stuck in ‘The States’ instead of home in Ireland with his family.
At least the prick knows they’re still safe. Lucky bastard.
I felt my scowl as I marched point, practicing controlling my strength while destroying fleshies. The scent of singed cotton shirts and lightly burnt hair lingered in my nose.
“Well, who’s bright idea was it to use a pickaxe and metal shovel to dig out the tank anyways? Wasn’t ours, we just took over the job so you guys could rest awhile. At least it didn’t explode; it just caught fire really freaking easily.”
“That’s kind of the point of gasoline: to flame up easily.”
I wheeled on the paunchy tourist.
“Got it, now let it go before I see how far I can throw you!”
All but Sunny and Chase stopped. Lorcan back-peddled, tightening his grip on his poleaxe.
“Fine. No violence necessary, Squirrel. Was just needling you is all.”
Cal sidled up beside me and whispered so low a dog would’ve needed a hearing aid.
“Squirrel, try not to threaten our friends; it tends to make coexistence a tad more complicated.”
I looked at the energy around Lorcan and saw it had changed hue and condensed closer to his skin. It clung to him better than his tee; the bottom left corner was missing, it’s loss marked by a thin line of black char.
“I’m sorry, Lorcan. I wouldn’t really hurt you; just a little annoyed we messed up. Pals?”
My extended hand hung in the chill night air for a few moments before it was accepted. I fought the urge to look away as a couple of bats flew overhead.
“We’re good.”
Sunny and Chase called to us from a short distance ahead. The party moved to regroup around the pair. Three hands signaled us to squat down and look to our right.
I heard the low murmur of voices in the area they pointed to. I could see the faint light of the fire and smell the hickory boughs that fed it. The small camp was nearly a mile away.
The Roman tapped Daemon and I on the shoulder; he pointed up and gestured to the others to stay put.
Oh not flying. I suck at flying. Last time I hit a turkey when I flew too low.
Cal took off with the grace of a ribbon on the wind, Daemon like a pigeon fat from handout funnel cakes, and I took to the air like a trash bag on the highway during a windstorm.
Nearly missing the top of a spruce, I concentrated on manipulating the particles around me into floating me in the same direction as my sire and his mentor. I remembered Daemon’s landing at Nova Nocte last year and prayed the little camp didn’t have outhouses for me to fall into.
I looked ahead and saw Reggie hovering over the clearing with the other two vampires.
He must’ve realized we were close and waited for us instead of taking his fill and travelling on. How polite of him.
Propelling my cushion of molecules forward, I smashed into Daemon and was caught by the ankle before I could plummet into the midst of our quarry.
“Thanks, Reggie.” I whispered as I rebuilt my atomic cloud and levitated up to face them.
“You’re welcome. There are only three of them and they appear well-fed. Should we approach them or gather your compatriots for the introduction?”
I peered down at the trio: two lean men with short hair and a fit woman with half her head shaved. Next to them sat an assortment of machetes, crowbars, knives, and rifles. Over the fire they turned a spit laden with quail, a dove, and some possums.
If they join us, the others could have some fresh meat with their canned whatnot. If not, we get one big meal tonight to last us a few days. Win - win.
“Two of us stay here in case they give us a poor welcome and two of us lead the welcoming party to the fire.”
“I’ll go with you; Cal and Reggie can stay.”
Caelinus pulled my volunteer escort back.
“You will stay; neither of you are terribly wonderful fliers. Squirrel and I will walk back shortly.”
He released his hold on Daemon and lent me a guiding hand as we descended along the roadway. I landed on my feet, but with a loud crunch and toppled over from the surface being uneven. A flashlight hit my eyes, blinding me. When they readjusted, I saw the source of the crunch. I’m not sure if it had been male or female, I just know its taunt skin was dry as a Quaker county and it had beautiful false teeth. The pelvis had been splintered by my semi-controlled drop.
Chase gawked.
“Didn’t even hear it. Thanks, Squirrel.”
“Uh, yeah, no problem. That was completely on purpose.”
I stomped the misshapen head to dust.
“So there’s a little band of three having supper that way and we think we should say hello. You folks ready to roll out?”
Sunny made a mock prayer and began tramping towards the glow in the forest.
“Another vampire learning to fly, God help us.”
The trio responded to our footfalls with raised weapons and fierce expressions. The light flickered, making their assorted tattoos come to life; a butterfly riding a dolphin never looked so menacing. Our detail paused as I stepped forward.
“Hello. We don’t want any trouble, we just wanted to say hi and see if you’d be interested in joining us.”
I made a show of sheathing my sword -- not that I needed it anymore -- and offered my hand. The shorter male lowered his crowbar and knife. He leaned to look beyond me and size up our crew before putting away his arms and shaking my hand.
“Sorry about the reception, we’ve had a couple of run-ins lately with some unpleasant folks toting serious firepower. Name’s Victor, that’s my brother Claude and our sister Margot.”
I released his hand and we both signaled our people to sit down. Nurse moved his hand and Sindbad walked over to sniff the siblings. The canine relaxed with them and enjoyed his belly rub; a good sign.
Brilliant thinking, have the dog check them for infection and they just think he’s making friends.
“I think we’ve run into that same force, but that problem seems to be over now. Is it just the three of you out here?”