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Quarantined in Chaos (Nova Nocte) Page 3

  We parked the Honda and carried our packs towards the house.

  “My driving wasn’t that bad.”

  “If you are gauging your driving by the fact that we are not dead, I must point out that I am already pretty damned close.”

  Laughing at the quip, we entered the blue house. It was silent. Cal pointed his index finger to his ear and motioned me back. I eased out the door and quietly pulled my sword as his fangs lowered into view. The vampire disappeared into the unlit home. My blood pounded as I surveyed the area for dangers, my ears straining to hear some clue.

  Where is everyone and who’s in there with Cal?

  The crashing of wood and the violent sound of someone being thrown through a wall answered me. I bounded into the darkened house to help. I could hear someone struggling in the far bedroom. Bashing my shin into a table, I tripped, caught myself, and turned the blind corner. The noise stopped. I dug my heel into the carpet as I halted and shifted into a defensive position.

  Cal, give a signal if you’re okay. Please just say something.

  A tiny light came on in the room and I heard chuckling.

  “So pleased you came, you old thief. What’s it been; thirty years?”

  I perked up at the sound of Cal’s voice.

  “Closer to forty. You remember that misunderstanding we had with the law over that smuggling issue.”

  “Yes, that’s right. Ah, I did enjoy the seventies. Well, the 1970s anyhow.”

  “I’m surprised either of us remembers them after feeding on all those hippies in the sixties.”

  I lowered my weapon and knocked on the frame where the door once stood.

  “Oh, sorry Squirrel. Please come in. We have company.”

  “Where is everyone? And what smuggling issue?”

  I sheathed my blade and shook the stranger’s icy hand.

  He tipped his head to me and elbowed Cal.

  “Yes, Caelinus do tell the lady about your brushes with the authorities.”

  The Roman stiffened, “It was a simple miscommunication. Let’s focus on the current situation. This is my old friend, Reggie. He is the one I’ve been contacting beyond the quarantine.”

  I stared gape-jawed at Reggie. I looked him over from his ginger ponytail to his worn hiking boots. His fitted tee barely reached his skinny jeans. Despite his travels, he appeared clean and relaxed. Except for the occasional glint of hunger in his eyes.

  “Nice to meet you, Reggie. When did you get here? And where is everyone? We’ve got a lot of questions for you.”

  “I arrived just after you both left; a Mister Daemon showed me around to the few people here and a Jamaican fellow allowed me a quick meal to sustain me after the trek. Your people are all at the main house; Daemon felt it would be wisest to keep me a secret until we could speak.”

  “That was a fine decision he’s made. I suppose the two of you glamoured them to forget you, just in case?” Cal asked while guiding his pal to sit on the broken bed.

  “Of course. Why make things more complicated?”

  I sat opposite the vamps. A thin mist of plaster rose as I plopped onto the chair next to the caved portion of drywall.

  “So you made it here; that means we can get out, right?”

  “It will be a difficult endeavor, few will be able to go, and those who arrive will need to be given new lives. Without certain memories.”

  Reggie shifted the wreckage at his feet. Cal smiled, lifted a gold necklace from the displaced pile, and placed it in our guide’s hand.

  “We understand this venture is dangerous and have prepared some compensation for your assistance as well as the fresh starts we will need beyond the border. Consider this a simple thank you for this meeting.”

  The jewelry evaporated into a pocket and the pair stood.

  “It seems you prepared properly. Let’s gather the ones who are leaving and make a plan. It will take a while for me to get back to the border and get things in motion.” Reggie pointed a finger at the other Undead’s chest. “I haven’t told any of the others in our community about you and your progeny making a deal with these breathers.”

  “I cannot show you how much I appreciate your discretion; I’ve no interest in being flayed and cremated alive.”

  “Not a problem. I still owe you for getting me out of that bind with Hrafn the Berserker. What’s the point of living forever if you don’t get to keep all of your best bits?”

  I made a mental note to ask Reggie about his glory days with Cal. We strode towards the main house to assemble those who planned on leaving the relative safety of our new home.


  Except for Bubba and Katie, all of our voyagers sat around the mussed living room of the secondary house. Knees bobbed and nails were devoured as nervous energy wafted around the cramped space. I glanced at Daemon; he was scribbling in a composition book. Chase sat beside Sunny and ran his remaining hand across her belly; he grinned as he spoke to their unborn child.

  How the hell are we going to get a pregnant woman and her one-armed husband all the way to Canada from Florida?

  “Alright folks, let’s get this party started.”

  I stepped to the center of the room to address the crowd. The murmur died down.

  “We have a guest here from beyond the quarantine. The gentleman by Cal is named Reggie. He is going to do his best to get us out of ZombieTown USA and set up with a second chance. He agrees that the gold and silver we’ve accumulated should be sufficient, if we can survive the trip while toting this king’s ransom. Some of you have met him, but you won’t remember.”

  Several looks of surprise and anger fixed on the ally and me.

  “Who said this guy could wipe our memories?” Someone asked.

  “We did. When we agreed to protect Daemon and Cal’s secret and when we decided to try to get out of this place. It’s not too late to back out; there’s plenty of room here and at the Hedburgs’ house. But anyone who goes has to accept that part of their new life will be forgetting our current one. And those who stay...” The elder undead nodded to me. “...those who stay will be losing contact with the outside world soon after we leave.”

  The room was quieter than a mute’s scream.

  Chase spoke first, his words scarcely audible.

  “Why? Why do they have to be cut off?”

  Daemon’s pen stopped.

  “Because it’s the only way to guarantee that our secret will be safe besides killing everybody.”

  Not the right way to say it, even if it’s true. Why did he have to say that?

  “Essentially, he’s right. We need Reggie’s help to escape the quarantined zone and we have to assure him that the existence of vampires will not be announced to the world inadvertently. It’s all of our lives if that happens.”

  I paused to find the best way to phrase it.

  “If anyone outside discovers the truth, they will put us down like we put down the fleshies we cross: without blinking or caring. Daemon and Cal put their skins on the line to arrange Reggie’s help and he’s putting his neck on the block to get us out. Any of them could’ve just used us as cattle and bailed; they chose not to. We have to trust them.”

  I watched as my companions shifted feet or rubbed necks to dissipate the discomfort. The silence grew heavier with each passing second. I was thankful when the Nurse rose.

  “We all knew it we’d have to be on our own again. It’s stay here with the somewhat safety with just each other or try to reach the outside world and leave even the memories behind. Let’s not dwell, we made our choices, so I say we get this over with and move on.”

  I felt the corners of my mouth tilt upwards and saw other smiles appear.

  He’s going to be a good leader here.

  “Okay then. The folks who are leaving will begin packing immediately and we will start travelling tomorrow at dusk; Reggie has to get back soon to set up new identities. As he goes, he’ll be leaving us a trail to follow and clearing Dead. After he gets things ready, he�
��ll backtrack to meet up with us and help the group finish the trip. Everyone here should have a few days to a week before the satellite has a planned malfunction.”

  “How?” I looked around for the cause of the interruption, finally spotting Vincent. “How is the malfunction going to happen?”

  I nodded to his left. Jordy stood and gave a little wave.

  “That’s my job; Squirrel and Bubba set up the tree nearby to fall on it next time it’s windy. If it doesn’t, me and Troy are going to give a nudge to knock it over while having a driving lesson.”

  “Any other questions?”

  The only response was a series of yawns and shaken heads.

  “Good. The sun will be up in a few hours, so off to bed unless you’re pulling guard duty. When you relieve the sentries, please pass on the info. Tomorrow is our last day together, make the best of it. Goodnight all.”

  I’m going to miss everyone. Miss this life of community and purpose. I hope they survive. I hope we do, too.


  Today was difficult. Edith practically begged us to stay; her attempt to convince Cal becoming immensely intimate. At one point, the Roman cocked up an eyebrow and considered the ploy.

  “You’d really consent to that?” Caelinus rubbed his chin with his forefinger and thumb. “That is quite the proposal, sweet lady, but I’m afraid I must make the journey. I assure you, you will not be forgotten.” He kissed her forehead gently and grinned. “Especially after making such a generous offer.”

  The petite grandmother blushed and patted his hand before leaving the dining room.

  “I’ll miss having a handsome gent like you around, but you’ll be able to reach me online when your troop gets out of the quarantine. I’ll make everyone a farewell feast. Let me know if you change your mind though Cal; I may surprise you.”

  All day, hugs and tokens of friendship were exchanged. We played games with the kids for a couple of hours; we’d all begun to think of them as ours to protect. I made a mental promise to find a way to get them all to safety one day. Daemon played tea party in the afternoon with Ellen and Bobbi. The plastic tiara sat askew his head and glitter nail polish had been applied to his nails while he slept. Reggie laughed at the fledgling vampire being forcibly given a makeover. The bright pink lipstick and azure eye shadow was interesting against his leather jacket and wranglers.

  Around 4PM the mood changed.

  Sunny shouted instructions to Chase from the other bedroom.

  “Remember to grab the bandages and vitamins.”

  Her husband double-checked the rucksack and shoved in some mouthwash.

  “Got it, Sweetie. And the doll from Bubba. And the usual supplies.” Chase flashed a toothy smile at me and held up a flashlight. “Did you pack my wind-up flashlight?”

  “Of course I did. It’s right...” We listened to the shuffling of clothes and various supplies. “Um, it was just here. Chase, where did you leave it?”

  I snapped my lips tight to trap in the giggling. My own bag sat on the floor next to the cot.

  “You had it, Sunny. I thought you said you packed it already?”

  “I thought I did. Why don’t you come give me a hand?”

  “I can’t, I’ve only got the one.”

  Marley Guy walked past the door, chuckling and mumbling to himself.

  “Not funny, Chase. Where is that light? I thought...”

  Our laughter broke free.


  A flurry of footsteps came down the hall. I tried to reign in the hilarity while grabbing my bag to leave but was stopped at the door by Sunny.

  Pregnant or not she moves quick!

  “Do you two think this is funny? This is serious.” I glanced behind me at Chase; his face was dark red trying to keep a calm expression. “How old are you?”

  “Sweetheart, I thought you’d know that after we’ve been married for so long.”

  My eyes watered as I excused myself from the room. Somehow I squeezed out the half an inch of the doorway that Sunny wasn’t blocking. I took my belongings to the living room while the hormonal woman’s voice echoed down the hallway. Setting the bag down, I sought out the one person I’d yet to say goodbye to: Troy.


  I found Troy sitting next to a spike pit. The groans from below told me that multiple Dead were within. While I knelt next to the bowman he tossed golf ball sized stones at the misshapen head of the tallest. The grey rock rebounded off the sagging skin; the color of the stone a near-perfect match.

  “Here to say goodbye?”

  I kept my eyes on the fleshie; folds of ashen skin hung off the slender frame, snagging on the roots that protruded from the pit’s walls.

  “Yeah, I didn’t want to leave with things like this.”

  Troy dug another stone from the dirt and threw it sidearm; it caught a skeletal zombie in the eye socket. The creature’s half-shaved head twitched to the side as it collapsed.

  “You mean with you deciding to shack up with fang boy instead of a real live man? I could see why that might bother you.”

  I picked up the spear he’d set down and jabbed it through the tall one’s forehead.

  Can’t hear myself think with these things moaning and reaching after us.

  “I didn’t choose Daemon over you; it was never a choice.”

  He hurled another stone at the spasming zombie’s head. It made a squelching sound and the body stopped moving.

  “I love him, but I still won’t get to be with him when we leave. I know you’re the smart choice. Problem is, I just can’t be with you and love him, it isn’t right.”

  He stood and dusted off his cargo pants. Troy paused before holding out his hand to help me up.

  “Doesn’t mean I’m not willing to give it a shot. I can wait until he’s gone and you can move on. Besides, there’s not exactly a huge dating pool here for me.”

  I took the offered hand and found myself an inch from his smile.

  What the hell do I say to that?

  My thoughts were cut off by his kiss. Troy’s lips pressed into mine while his muscled arms pulled me against him. For a moment I was stunned.

  Where did he learn to kiss like this? Mmmm...

  I began to sink into his embrace. His tongue massaged mine and I felt his interest rise against my hip.

  What are you doing? Are you staying or going, Squirrel? You can’t have both.

  The memory of Daemon’s face when he told me he knew about our first kiss flashed through my mind. I pulled away from Troy.

  I’m going. I decided that when I reread my journal; I have to leave. No Troy. No staying in quarantine.

  “Don’t leave, Squirrel. You can stay here with us; with me. You said it yourself: you and the pulseless wonder can’t be together. We can.”

  I straightened my shirt and caught my breath. Our eyes locked.

  “I have to go. It’s not just about you and Daemon; it’s about my life. Past, present, and maybe even future. I’m sorry. I...I just wanted to tell you goodbye and take care of yourself.”

  I walked away from the only guy I might have actually been able to settle down with. From the bottom of the hill I heard cursing and the familiar thwack of skulls being caved in.

  Well that went better than expected.

  Everyone I passed looked at me then towards the traps. No one said a word when Troy strode towards the house covered in the black fleshie blood. He tossed a splintered log on the ground near my feet; it was coated in gore. Without looking at me, Troy continued to the side door of the house.

  “Have a safe trip.”


  Our little caravan travels as quickly as we can. Reggie flew ahead of us after his deep feeding at the camp. He clears the path of fleshies and leaves the remains to mark our way. Cal and Daemon do the same while we follow through the carnage in our beat up truck and cramped hybrid. As we journey, Reggie gathers gold and silver – payment for the da
ngers – and our vampires gather extra provisions for us.

  Yesterday we stopped at the Florida-Georgia border. The visitor center was overrun with abandoned vehicles and half-rotted corpses. I looked up into the afternoon sky; it was overcast but the sunlight still peeked through the clouds.

  “Just us humans for now.” The horde of barely mobile Dead meandered towards us. I stared at one for a moment. “Let’s stay close and put them down quickly, but quietly.”

  I opened the door to the bug-splattered Prius and drew my sword. The others followed suit while Daemon and Caelinus slept in the covered back of the Dodge. We formed an outward huddle and moved as one towards the object of my focus. The creature limped and stretched its bony arms for us. Giving my blade a few cursory swings, I waited for it to reach us; I was in no rush to put my asshat boss out of his misery.

  His trimmed beard seemed to weigh his face down, the loose skin hanging from the emaciated skull. His natural tan had given way to a pallid grey. I remembered how he treated me during reviews and smiled. Stepping out, I drove the point of my weapon through his chin and into his brainpan.

  It shouldn’t feel this good to destroy him.

  I looked into the dried eyes of the terminated fleshie.

  So glad I get to prove him wrong; he said I had no skills and was worthless. Who’s the one lying by the highway to rot?

  I kicked the trash off my blade and prepared to strike out at the next zombie to reach our circle. The squelching sound of other heads being obliterated echoed around me. I didn’t dare look to see who was delivering the blows. The corpses piled up around us, brain bits and flecks of cranium shot like confetti into the dry air.

  Finally, the initial wave was decimated. In the silence that followed the massacre, I risked a glimpse around. Chase and I locked eyes and shared a glance at the next flock of Dead.

  “What do you think, Squirrel, should we go after them or retreat to the cars and drive on?”

  The huddle turned into a tight line as we sized up the remaining fleshies.

  “There are only eight or nine visible. Let’s roll past them until we hit another bottleneck.”

  Wordlessly, Chase took Vincent and Bubba to clear the bodies from the street while we returned to the vehicles. Searching for fuel was nearly pointless; after a year, most of the gas had already evaporated and we needed to find somewhere to bed down for a few hours until night came. Then we could follow Reggie’s trail to freedom from the infection. Assuming it isn’t a trap, of course.