Quarantined in Chaos (Nova Nocte) Read online

Page 10

  “Sindbad gave me the signal at dinner yesterday. That’s why I sat guard with Hannah last night; in case she turned. We talked about this all night.”

  “It’s far too late to amputate isn’t it? I can tell it’s already spread.”

  Hannah covered her face and wept. I placed my arm around her narrow shoulders and held her. Nurse only looked away with a sigh.

  “I’m so sorry, Hannah. I really am.”

  We can leave her or kill her. That’s the only mercy we can offer her is the decision: die now at our hands or die later alone and turn into the thing that killed you. God I hate this place.

  “Is there anything you want, or um, what do you want to do?

  Footfalls approached, giving our privacy a short deadline.

  “I want you to let me do something. Something dangerous but important. I want to clear a place alone and suffer an accident after the Dead are gone. I want to die being useful to everyone but I don’t want you to tell me when it’s coming. Just when I’ve completed the task, I need...”

  Nurse rose and walked away.

  Don’t ask me. Please don’t even think it.

  “...I need you to kill me. Just a quick accident so I don’t feel anything.”

  Anger ripped me apart inside and I could hear someone yelling in my head. My arm lowered at a sloth’s pace. I cursed Hannah and Nurse for putting me in this spot.

  “I wouldn’t ask, but I trust you. You kept me alive all this time and you made me feel safe; like I was with family again.”

  Her face turned towards me. The footsteps grew nearer. My hunger burned from outrage and frustration. I saw my body rise, but didn’t recall thinking it. Someone spoke, I think it was me.


  I walked away from the dying woman, my companion, my sometimes friend, a person I was responsible for protecting. The memory of my family pleading for me to spare them the gruesome death of infection, threatened to pull me inside my mind and lock me within that place of nightmares forever. I saw Paul and his loving family projected against the inside of my shut eyes. The cacophony of their echoed request brought all the pain welling up and the tug from within became tempting.

  Breathe and push them down; the memories can’t hurt you. Just lock them away again and rejoin the others at the fire.

  My feet trudged away from the woman I’d failed and the unknown footsteps.

  She can ask someone else or she can leave or do it herself. I’m done. I did my best and I’m sorry, but she asked too much. Goodbye Hannah. You aren’t dead yet, but I’ll have to get used to burying all of you soon enough. Goodbye.


  Cal covered Hannah’s body after she had her ‘accident’. We’d just approached a small crew of survivors on the road. They declined our offer to travel together with a torrent of gunfire. While we vampires protected the rest of our team, Hannah charged ahead with both her Colt .45 and my Desert Eagle blasting. She took down three of the five before one of them sent a spray of her blood and brain coursing through the air.

  When her body crumpled to the ground I could still see the steam escaping from the hole; for an instant I fought the idea that it was her spirit leaving. The four of us descended on the two unharmed gunmen and the one who lay injured and drank our fill. I gulped the vital fluid from my victim with gusto akin to that of a recently dumped woman towards chocolate.

  We drank from the shooters with a natural savagery, tearing at the puncture wounds and pinning our prey down. The frenzy overtook me and I was stopped only after I’d ripped the face off my dinner and licked at the blood that flowed from his scalp.

  “Squirrel, that is enough. The fellow is gone. Come back around to us.”

  The Roman’s iron hands gently drew me from the disfigured remains.

  But there’s more, I can see it; can’t you taste it in this dry air? It’s warm and vibrant.

  “Cal, why isn’t she answering you?” Chase asked as he joined us.

  “She is merely a bit...entranced right now. Too thorough a feeding for her as yet; it overwhelms the senses.”

  I listened to the worried and doubtful voices murmuring.

  “She is speaking right now, it’s just not aloud. I assure you, Squirrel is fine. Just give her a moment.”

  Daemon’s face appeared between mine and the ventilating crimson on the frosty ground. His arms were around me and he spoke with his mind only.

  Squirrel, you need to snap out of it. Don’t look at the body, look at me. Be here with me right now, okay? I need you to come back before they get too concerned. I love you. Come back out to me. Picture me in a Speedo doing a hula if it helps, just focus on me instead.

  I forced my eyes from the spectacle spattered across the silvery grass and willed my thoughts to be vocalized.

  “Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment.”

  Restrained breaths went free and the familiar ritual of raiding the dead began. Sunny maintained a suspicious eye on me for the rest of the night. I was just happy that Hannah got her wish without me. Margot and her brothers dragged the cadavers away from the camp; she watched Daemon a little less openly. I whispered in Daemon’s ear before we went to sleep for the morning.

  “Doing a hula in a Speedo, huh?”

  “You only have to ask, sweetie. You only have to ask.”

  He gave me a gentle kiss and put his arms around me before dozing off.


  Sitting watch with Cal for an hour before we have to retreat to a separate shelter for the day; it’s too risky to stay with our cohorts until we know we can all trust one another. I miss that most about our old fort: the trust. It took a long time to build that trust, but our people survived because of it. I wonder how they are all doing and if Troy has forgiven me yet for not choosing to stay with him.

  I hope they’re alright. Please let the kids be safe. One day I’ll get them out of this mess.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “Not worth a whole penny. Just random thoughts.”

  Cal chuckled while he paced around our friends. The steady breathing and snoring nearly masked it.

  “What’s funny about that?”

  “Last time you had a random thought I asked about you were pondering if cows ever got tipped by errant zombies walking through the fields.”

  I smiled at the fond memory.

  “Well, it’s a genuine puzzle. And it’s still unsolved; we haven’t seen any cows in over six months.”

  “Are you going to bring up what you were thinking so deeply about or must I guess?”

  He stopped his patrol and took my elbow.

  “I was just thinking about how things were before the fire and about how they’ll be when we cross the border and about Hannah. You know the same old life and death.”

  “I understand. I’ll admit, I’m a bit relieved that we crossed those brutes. I didn’t want to kill Hannah.”

  My jaw fell and I tried to blink away the shock.

  “Surely, you didn’t think I didn’t know about her being tainted by the Dead?”

  The truth went from play dough to blasted pottery in my mind.

  “You saw the energy change.”

  “Of course, as did Reggie and I think perhaps even Daemon. She died as she wished.”

  He continued his route and I followed out of habit.

  “I couldn’t do it Cal. She asked me, but I couldn’t.”

  “But you could’ve had someone else give her a merciful end?”

  I stumbled over a bicycle wheel.

  “Yeah, I think so. I just couldn’t kill one of our people again. I know it’s what has to be done, and I’m not even particularly close to her, but it’s just too much. I doubt you understand but...”

  “Actually I do.” He gazed at the purple sky. Dawn would be here soon. “I’ve had a few occasions in my life where I was unable to bear doing the necessary deed.”

  “But you would’ve had to kill me if I hadn’t pulled thr

  “I probably would’ve asked Reggie to do that; I had to ask him to put to rest my daughter when she didn’t come across properly. Paid a severe price for it with our kind, but the torture of my body was easier to suffer than the torment of a soul that has ended the life of one they loved so dearly.”

  I looked at Caelinus while he watched the sky shift to lighter shades and saw the weight of centuries of loss anchoring his eyes to the heavens.

  “I’m sorry Cal.”

  He shook his head and strode to rouse our relief before we four Undead took cover.

  “It is fine. It was technically Daemon’s job anyhow.”

  He laughed as though the thought was comforting and we finished our job encased in our own thoughts.


  Thank God for fitness nuts! We found a SUV covered in triathlon and marathon decals; there were two bikes on the roof, one with an attachment for towing a kid -- or big dog, not really sure -- and a fix it kit for the bicycles.

  “Good spot Garret; we can cover more ground and tow some of the gear this way.”

  I patted the blushing Midwesterner on the back.

  “Thanks, it was nothing.”

  Claude and his siblings started unloading the bikes while the rest of us continued searching the nearby vehicles. Reggie added several wedding bands, gold chains, and the occasional watch to his sack of payment. I took in the surroundings: one long silent road and a bunch of trees and kudzu vine, same as the rest of the trip so far.

  “Let’s make camp here for a day or two and see if we can’t round up a couple more bikes and kiddie carts to attach. It might cut our travel time to a few weeks instead of a couple of months.”

  “Why do you think my brothers and I are oiling the chains?”

  This chick is really starting to get on my nerves.

  “Thank you, Margot. Since you, Claude, and Victor seem to know how to fix and maintain the bikes that can be your gig instead of sitting watch. I’ll join Daemon in your place and Bubba can join Reggie in Victor’s.”

  She glared at me and put down the WD-40 can.

  “We’ll have these fixed up before my shift; I can stand guard with Daemon. You go keep an eye on your friend with the baby bulge.”

  The sounds of people working around us tapered off. Margot shot a half-smile to Daemon; his eyes darted to each of us.

  “Actually, I think I’m supposed to go hunting for some game tonight. Try and find some fresh meat for everyone, well not everyone the vamps can’t eat it, but you know what I mean. Uh, sorry?”

  Margot’s face fell.

  “That’s right. Sorry I forgot Daemon. I guess I’ll check on Sunny and then sit watch after all.”

  “Now that I think about it, it will take a while to rig up some extra trailers for these bikes. And if we find any others, they’ll need to be cleaned up for use. Thanks for taking my sentry detail, Squirrel.”

  The triplets busied themselves with their task and movement increased as a camp was set up. Daemon let out a long exhale and took to the air.

  Glad he can think quickly. I was ready to tear that grin off her face and beat her like a prison snitch.

  Cal sidled up to me on my walk to see Sunny.

  “A pissing match with one of our compatriots is unwise. You are aware of this are you not?”

  “I know. She just aggravates me with her little touches on Daemon’s arm and her flirting. It makes me want to crush her face with a rock.”

  He stops me.

  “Yes but as before, you must control yourself. A rock is no longer necessary for you to cave in her skull; it almost takes more effort not to harm her. This is an effort you will undertake.”

  I’m taken aback. My hands loosen from the choking grip I’m holding on the air in front of me and fall to my side. My shoulders slouch under the weight of his guidance.

  “You’re right. I can’t let myself get so worked up. I’m sorry, Cal. I should’ve remembered that first lesson you gave Daemon with the steel rod. Thanks. You’re a good friend.”

  The Roman beamed and continued our walk. I fell in beside him as we crossed the thrown together shelter of open car doors and ripped out seats.

  “It’s in my best interest as well; we need to keep a cohesive unit if we are to successfully return to the outside world. Also, you are family. I always do my best to protect my loved ones; it’s something you and I have in common.”

  With a peck on my forehead, he turned and strolled to help Vincent put down a fleshie trapped in a mini cooper. I sat beside Sunny and stirred the pot of canned corn.

  “Squirrel, if you don’t slap that bitch Margot, I will.”


  Our detail of travelers is now completely outfitted with bicycles and trailers. In the last week, we’ve covered a lot of miles. Reggie and I are scouting out a KOA campground a bit off the road while the others wait on the highway with their weapons at the ready. Cal and Daemon are charged with the task of quietly putting down any Dead that near the group.

  Should we try flying overhead instead of peeking around trees?

  Reggie shakes his head and points at a lone sentry outside the encircled RVs. The man watches the sky with his crossbow but has a rifle slung over his left shoulder.

  They know about our kind, Squirrel. And it doesn’t seem that they’re interested in making our acquaintance. We should try to get a decent estimate of what we’re dealing with and report back. Caelinus will help us decide on our tactics.

  We split up and circle the main building of the site and its barrier of RVs. I count seven adults and two kids. As soon as Reggie sees me he points back towards the road and flits away. I follow taking extra care to tread without a sound.

  Our return was met with hopeful faces. Sunny looked at us, stopped rocking the slumbering toddler, placed him in his bed/bike trailer, and took Chase’s hand. The stubborn woman rose to her feet, put her spear into the weapons trailer on Vincent’s bike, and took out a sniper rifle.

  “Can we keep going or do we need to fight?”

  Reggie glanced in turn at me and Cal.

  “Up to them. I’d say we need to choose fast though. We can’t fight them in the morning and you are fairly even matched.”

  “Our total count was sixteen adults and two kids. Kids are around nine or ten. All of the adults are packing the same kind of arms we are; but they are monitoring the sky with their bows and crossbows.”

  I paused to let the meaning sink in.

  I’d like to let the group decide, Cal. Hopefully, they will think it out and choose better this time.

  I received a wink from the Roman as he struck a military pose.

  “We should have a quick vote: stay or go. Our pact is one of mutual assistance. The four of us are unable to assist during the daylight hours and wish to contribute. The choice is ultimately in your hands, we will do our best to offer protection.”

  Whispered plans and theories were planted, grew, bloomed, and withered many times over in the span of an hour. Finally, Chase approached the Chevy we sat on at the edge of the darkness. He sat between Daemon and Cal and surveyed the empty road ahead.

  “They’re having a hard time deciding. Sunny thinks one of you should step in and make the call.”

  I watched the wind fluttering the needles on the pines into tiny overlapping tsunamis.

  “No. I’m done taking the lead and making the decisions. When we cross the border, it’s a new life for all of us and everyone will have to make their own choices again. I can’t bear the responsibility of other people’s decisions and they won’t have to bear mine. That time is over.”

  Daemon interlocked his fingers with mine and kissed my knuckles.

  “I apologize, but that is the answer you will convey to your wife.” Cal patted Chase on the back. “Whatever the dividing issue, it is for the rest of you to resolve. We will comply, but this time, you will decide.”

  “The issue is you four.”

p; All eyes on the one-armed man.

  I released Daemon’s hand, hopped to the ground, and faced Chase.

  “Why are we the issue?”

  Despite his cracking skin, Chase appeared sunburned for a moment.

  “The question is whether to leave now or to have you four try to get a night’s worth of feeding from them first. Some of us want to be sure you are all strong enough to keep flying around wiping out zombies for us and, honestly, a few of us are feeling the effects of so many donations.”

  The air whipped shifting the nature around us and causing Chase to pull his coat tighter. The sound had all gone though.


  Always the wordsmith. What do you say to that? Apparently I just say ‘Oh.’

  “Yeah.” Chase replied with a nod.

  Okay, mine’s not too bad. We’re on the same page at least.

  “Reggie and Cal, you guys know how to do the sneaky feeding thing; do you think Daemon and I could manage it too? Or just the two of you? Assuming it’s not too dangerous, of course.”

  The pair exchanged glances and frowned. Cal pushed his silver-blonde hair from his face.

  “I think we can all work it out. The two of you will need to learn this soon if you are to survive the civilized world. But in the name of Jupiter, Squirrel do not attempt to fly.”

  Blushingly, I lifted my head to Chase.

  “You and Sunny get everyone moving, we’ll catch up soon.”

  “Will do.” He shuffled back towards the illumination of the small cook-fire. The low flames were snuffed out as we stealthily stole into the trees on our hunt.


  We split into pairs for the pursuit: Reggie with Daemon and Cal with me. Reggie refused to train with so clumsy a fledgling. As we neared the campground they peeled off to the right and we waited in front of a Winnebago.

  My instructor whispered so low I knew no human could hear if they stood in the inches between us.